Monday, March 25, 2019

#ADOS No.15 - Tribalizing The Issue Of Reparations

This is from a Facebook post dated March 18, 2019 from Chicago #ADOS obstructionist Dr. Conrad Worrill. His comments are in bold print. My responses are in regular print.

"#Reparations. After careful research, I have determined that the #ADOS leadership are exploiting the natural instincts of African people in America to vindicate our capture and enslavement in America. Coming out of the woodwork, they are exploiting an idea that has finally become a popular idea with Black people in America."

"Careful research?" And what did you "research"? Where? What sources? Sir - the only basis of determination is that which you have conjured up in your own head. Did you come to this "determination" alone - or did you have help?

You are correct in saying that there is a "natural instinct" residing in the minds of African Americans. And since this "natural instinct" is a part of ALL African Americans - no one could "come out of any woodwork" to exploit anything. There is also no finality here - no "becoming" when it comes to this issue in terms of "popular ideas".

Reparations is an idea that has been residing in the mind-wiring of African Americans since 1865. "Exploiting" an idea is not the same as coming out with a better marketing and implementation strategy. This is something that N'COBRA and other organizations have so far failed to do.  

"The idea of reparations has now become popular because of the unsung heroines and heroes who protractedly advocated for reparations since the end of the Civil War. Now that the idea has become popular among the masses of African people, in this country, they have leaped out with a social media strategy under #ADOS, promoting pure divisive tactics."

The idea of reparations has come to the front of the political discourse and is now on the conversational menu of everyday African Americans is because of the intelligent bullet pointing of the issue - and the adept usage of social media platforms. 

So Sir - "unsung heroines and heroes" can advocate for reparations since the end of the Civil War? But that same advocacy is off limits to millenials that live in the here and now? What is this? Advocacy regarding an issue that affects everyone in a particular community is not owned by the foundational activists. 

The techniques to move it forward cannot be limited to a particular "way". And no one person or entity within the community does not own any "rights" or lockdowns on how an issue is articulated or how a solution should be accomplished. What is wrong with a social media strategy? It works (obviously). Are you angry because the moribund and directionless Pan-African movement did not think of it first? Did they "leap out"? YES. And I'm glad they did. 

"Promoting pure divisive tactics?" I would not call making clear who is eligible for reparations and who is not - should be called "divisiveness." Why would you?

"These tactics are aimed at tribalizing the issue of reparations by advocating an anti-African immigrant and anti Pan-African positions."

Well Sir - the tribalizing was already there. Africans and Caribbeans don't fuck with us. When they come to America - they look for their own tribes and white people. And they have nothing but disdain for us.

"They are imposing a strategy of divisiveness that seeks to destroy the unity efforts developed since the UN World Conference Against Racism where reparations organizers, activists, and organizations impacted the conference to declare the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Slavery, and Colonialism were Crimes Against Humanity and African people are owed reparations throughout the world."

Huh? How many more "declarations" are y'all gonna do?

"This declaration occurred in September of 2001 in Durban, South Africa. The insertion of #ADOS tactics is tampering with the broad unity developed in the Reparations Movement since Durban. We must remain steadfast in our opposition to such divisive tactics by #ADOS."  

OK - Y'all do that "steadfast" shit. And see where that takes you...

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